Monday, May 13, 2013

New News!

So I want to apologize to those who have been following my blog. My Life has gotten a bit busy in the last few months.

One great thing that has happened in my life is that my husband and I are expecting our first child, in just a few weeks!

This has also meant, of course, that for the last 9 months I have given up ANY AND ALL medical marijuana, and have had to deal with my Crohn's issue all by my self, on my own with little to no help from medications. Which has made my pregnancy a living hell at times. On the up side, my last trimester has been a joy. I am not sick, I have not needed any medications for about 3 months now, and I am able to eat just about ANYTHING! Let me tell you, I have! I have enjoyed it very much, being able to eat things I had to give up. I have no taken it for granted either. I have enjoyed every bite :) But I also know that it may not last after I am pregnant, and that my body may go back to its same old behavior.

My pregnancy extremely hard at first, as it seems that Crohn's disease, and IBS are magnified during the whole morning sickness thing. Luckily, because I came up pregnant I have been able to get medicaid. So I have been able to see a doctor not just for my pregnancy, but for my GI issues as well. I have been given light medications to deal with the morning severe morning sickness that lasted till I was 5 months pregnant. I did have issues gaining weight and keep it on at first, but our baby is healthy.

Now, granted my coverage on medicaid will end 60 days after I give birth, but in those 60 days a lot of tests can be run, to help figure out exactly what is wrong, and give doctors a better idea of what is wrong with me, and what is working and not working as far as treatment and medications go.

Of course, I will up date and keep information coming as soon as more tests can be done, once I deliver.
Thanks to those following my blog.

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